The Problem
Child abuse and neglect costs United States taxpayers approximately $103.8 billion each year, with a mere 25 percent of these costs attributable to child welfare services themselves. The remaining 75 percent of costs ($70.7 billion) consists of indirect costs to society and involvement with other social services systems, such as the health care and criminal justice systems. Child abuse and neglect costs each Nevada household roughly $95, for a statewide total of $79 million, every year.
The Solution
To ensure the safety and well-being of our children, and their families, the Children’s Advocacy Alliance is working to:
- Engage a broad, diverse and deep coalition of community members in identifying and developing a shared vision for child and family wellbeing in our community.
- Collect data and conduct research on best practices to develop a comprehensive system for preventing child abuse and neglect and providing necessary care and services for children and families in the system.
- Revise and update laws affecting child welfare to ensure that they are consistent with federal laws and to ensure the appropriate level of services for children and families in the system.
- Ensure that appropriate services are available to ensure the safety and well-being of youth and young adults who are involved in sex trafficking in our State.
- Review and revise the funding structure in Nevada that supports prevention services for children and families at risk of becoming involved with child welfare and for those who are currently involved with child welfare.
© 2022 Children’s Advocacy Alliance